The record player is my absolute heart
My favorite place at home is definitely the living room. We always get together here when I have friends over. I work here, do pretty much everything and spend most of my time in this room. My favorite object at home is my record player. I always have music playing. The first thing I do when I get up in the morning is turn on the music. My favorite records naturally go with the record player, and they just keep playing. Until now, the record player was standing rather carelessly in the corner, but now I have the R1 from Kiyo. It fits perfectly, I was able to sort everything neatly and set up the record player on top of it. Now my favorite object has a worthy place and looks really good instead of just standing around in the corner.
The perfect place for my record player
Furniture is very important to me because it should not only be functional, but also look good and fit in with the apartment. Good furniture can give a room a special atmosphere. When setting up my R1, I paid particular attention to displaying my record player in the best possible way and being able to sort my records neatly. I think the setup is well done: the record player is on top for easy access, while the speakers are perfectly integrated below.

Emilia's home story
Emilia moved to Maastricht for her studies and, with a bit of luck, found a nice, bright apartment. The special layout of the apartment with high ceilings gave her free scope for her furnishings. The R1 is ideally integrated into the stylish design.